The number 13 is lucky in Italy! And Italians believe Friday the 13th is a great day to begin something new and try your luck! Perhaps the perfect day for gambling or even starting a new business venture!

In North America, we try to ward off the evil spirits associated with the spooky, bad luck driven day. A best bet food to eat… Rosemary! Eat foods cooked with Rosemary for good luck! The plant’s powers are even stronger if the plant is a gift!

My plant is thriving! And it was a gift! Extra lucky?
My plant is thriving! And it was a gift! Extra lucky?
Pinch the top rosemary leaves and pull down, stripping the stem. A rosemary stem can be a flavorful skewer! Slide shrimp onto the tough stem and grill!
Pinch the top rosemary leaves and pull down, stripping the stem. A rosemary stem can be a flavorful skewer! Slide shrimp onto the tough stem and grill!

Although Italy is a predominantly Roman Catholic country, it’s superstitions run deep and through generations! Here are a few:

Never toast with water. (duh)

Never pour wine with your left hand.

Never keep peacock feathers in your home- the devil’s watchful eye. (Evil eye superstitions are huge in Italy, called Malocchio)

Never set shoes on a bed or counter.

Good luck today! If you still aren’t buying it, cook with rosemary!


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