As we strive to learn the key ingredients in our forever young and healthy life recipe, we are experimenting with superfoods, eating more vegetables, and taking the processed “fake” ingredients out of our diets. A deli worker told my kids that cheese is white and yellow cheese is just white cheese dyed yellow. True statement, BUT they translated that into “fake” cheese. Ever since, I have been on a mission to make dishes with “fake” cheese alternatives. This led to our latest obsessions with Fontina, Manchego and my absolute favorite, Parano.

Always grate your own cheese. The difference in taste, freshness, and basic cooking properties will blow you away.
Always grate your own cheese. The difference in taste, freshness, and basic cooking properties will blow you away.

Gruyere is known to make the best potato casseroles, so I tried it for Easter!! 100% correct! Gruyere did not dissappoint! In fact, I can’t remember what cheddar scalloped potatoes even taste like anymore! Here is my recipe!

Gruyere Scalloped Potatoes

7 large potatoes scrubbed and sliced into 1/8 inch rounds
1 large onion chopped
2 cloves of garlic finely chopped
3/4 cup heavy cream
1 lb. freshly grated gruyere cheese
2 tbsp. finely chopped parsley
1/4 cup freshly grated Parmesan

My little helpers love scrubbing the potatoes! Get the kids get involved! They will eat it because they made it!
My little helpers love scrubbing the potatoes! Get the kids get involved! They will eat it because they made it!


Warm the cream and garlic in a scauce pot and add 2 cups of Gruyere 1/2 cup at a time continuously stirring.

Gruyere melts beautifully, no chunks. Perfect consistency!
Gruyere melts beautifully, no chunks. Perfect consistency!

Add sliced potatoes to a deep baking dish.

I sliced them pretty thin to make sure they cook! 1/8 Inch is perfect!
I sliced them pretty thin to make sure they cook! 1/8
Inch is perfect!

Pour cheese/cream mixture from the saucepan over the potatoes.

Mix well and coat all potato slices.
Mix well
and coat all potato slices.

Top with the remaining Gruyere cheese, the Parmesan, parsley, salt and pepper.

Bake for 1 hour and 20 minutes at 350 degrees. It will be creamy and bubbly. Mix well and let stand 10 minutes to thicken and serve hot!

Indescribable flavor burst with only a few ingredients!! You would think there had to be extra ingredients in this dish like sour cream, cream cheese, many different grated cheeses? Nope! Welcome to the power of Gruyere!
Indescribable flavor burst with only a few ingredients!! You would think there had to be extra ingredients in this dish like sour cream, cream cheese, many different grated cheeses? Nope! Welcome to the power of Gruyere!


1 Comment on Homemade Gruyere Scalloped Potatoes! Yellow Cheese is Fake Cheese- That Is What My Kids Will Tell You!

  1. Our dish is baking right now and we can’t wait to try it. Thanks for posting REAL FOOD recipes. We are making more of an effort to use real, natural foods in our cooking. Your page is helping us to achieve that.

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